Author: Paul Yeager
Video: Kari Donovan Interview – Part 1 – Responsibilities of the Chairman
Matt Overby Endorses Jim Womack
Raleigh Republican Club Chairman Matt Overby has endorsed Jim Womack for NCGOP State Chairman. Below is Matt’s endorsement from his Facebook page.
I’m proud to endorse Jim Womack for Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party. Jim is the kind of committed Christian conservative that we need as NCGOP Chairman. He is a veteran, a former county commissioner in Lee County, and is the current Lee County GOP Chairman.
It’s time to have a Chairman that will bring the grassroots energy needed to keep newly acquired Trump supporters active in the party.
It’s time to have a Chairman who will be attentive to the needs of the county parties.
It’s time to #revivetheparty
In addition to chairing the Raleigh Republican Club, Matt Overby serves as an elected member of the Wake County Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors.
Learn more about Jim Womack here.
Thomas Hill Endorses Jim Womack
Thomas Hill, the recently elected District Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party in Congressional District 1, has endorsed Jim Womack for NCGOP State Chairman. The following is Mr. Hill’s statement on his Facebook page.
I want to take this opportunity to come out and endorse a gentleman that I have learned to respect and seen in action, Jim Womack. He has been a fighter for a better NC. as well as some one of great knowledge. I find him to be caring as well as compassionate, strong with his issues but attentive in listening to yours. I have seen him in state wide issues and have worked with him in fighting for the same causes. When going to the State Convention, Gates County will be voting for him for NCGOP – Chair! To be clear, Gates County will be voting for Jim Womack for State Chair and Michele Nix for Vice chair!
Learn more about Jim Womack here.
Video: Jim Womack Addresses Raleigh Republican Club
Video: Jim Womack Addresses NCGOP Fifth District Convention
Yesterday, Jim traveled to Wilkesboro with Sherry-Lynn to address the Fifth Congressional District Convention, and then traveled to Knightdale to address the Second District Convention.
Team Womack was in Wilkesboro to support Jim, and got video of Jim’s speech.
Learn more about Jim Womack here.
Craven County Chair Endorses Womack, Mischka

Craven County Republican Party Chairman Catherine “Cat” Stash has endorsed Jim Womack for NCGOP Chairman and Carl Mischka for Third Congressional District GOP Chairman.
“Jim Womack is a man of intelligence, integrity, and incredible energy. Those attributes coupled with his leadership skills, forged during his US Army career and honed during his subsequent careers in private industry and government, are just what we need to lead the revival of the North Carolina Republican Party. It was also a great experience to serve with Jim on the NCGOP Resolutions Committee”, Stash said.
Regarding Carl Mischka, she said: “It has been my pleasure to work with Carl on our Executive Board over the last 3 ½ years, and as his Vice Chairman in Craven County for past year, where his lifetime leadership experience was most helpful in restoring our County GOP from disorder and insolvency to a vibrant and financially solvent organization promoting Republican values and candidates in our county.”
Catherine “Cat” Stash currently serves as Chairman of the Craven County NC Republican Party, and on the NCGOP Third Congressional District Nominating and Plan of Organization Committees. Over the past ten years or so, she has served the Republican Party in numerous roles such as Precinct Chairman, County Vice Chairman, Member-at-Large in District 3, and Alternate Delegate to the 2016 National Republican Party Convention. Cat has also served on a variety of committees at the county, district, and state levels, served as Chairman of the Resolutions and Nominating Committees in District 3, worked during get-out-the-vote events, and organized candidate forums.
Hayes Misses Own County’s Convention
According to at least three observers present at Saturday’s Cabarrus County Republican Party Convention, NCGOP Chairman Robin Hayes was not present.
We find this rather curious, as Mr. Hayes is registered to vote in Cabarrus County and is running for re-election as NCGOP Chairman.
We have also learned that Robin did not attend Precinct Meetings either. Missing these meetings may prevent his participation in the district and state conventions as a delegate, unless someone nominated him as a delegate in his absence.
We hope that this is not a sign of ill health for Mr. Hayes.
Why I Support Jim Womack
I became involved in the Republican Party a few years ago when I was invited to attend my county’s annual convention. The fellow who invited me asked me to act as Sergeant at Arms for the convention. He apparently had a concern about a specific member known for speaking out directly and forcefully.
As it turns out, I was the only Republican present from my precinct, so I became the Precinct Chairman. So began my involvement with the GOP.
Since then, I have attended quite a few county GOP meetings, two county conventions, a district convention, and a state convention. In doing so, I have met dozens of wonderful people who invest their time and resources for the good of the party.
I have also learned that sometimes the investment of time and resources by Republicans across the Old North State is managed for the good of the party, but often it is managed for the good of certain individuals. This is often accomplished by “flexible” interpretation of existing rules, and often through outright disregard for the rules. This sort of behavior cannot be allowed to continue.
By and large, the work of the North Carolina Republican Party is accomplished through the investment of personal time, effort, and resources by volunteers. Those people have a right to expect that their investment will be managed openly, honestly, and fairly for the good of Republicans across our state and to promote Republican values.
Sadly, in all too many cases, that expectation is not met. This drives many people away from participation in the party. Only the most dedicated continue to fight under such circumstances.
During my involvement in the Republican Party, I have twice had the opportunity to work with Jim Womack. I have found him to be a man of incredible intellect, integrity, and energy. My discussions with Jim have revealed to me that he recognizes the critical importance of volunteers and the need to manage their investment in an open, fair, and honest manner. I have also learned that Jim is not just an idea man, but also a man of action. Yes, he is a good speaker, but he also has a track record of getting things done.
Republicans have recently accomplished a lot across our state and across the country, but this is no time to rest on our laurels. We must continue to effectively promote conservative values and good conservative candidates and officeholders. This will require more investment of time, effort, and resources by volunteers. There will be more volunteers and their investments will yield better dividends when the effort has honest governance.
I know Jim Womack can make that happen.
Learn more about Jim here.
Paul Yeager is a conservative activist from Waynesville. He provides web and social media support for the Jim Womack campaign.
Jim Womack Has a Plan
Let’s face it, we in the North Carolina Grand Old Party (NCGOP) are not achieving our potential. While we sustained our Republican super-majority in the General Assembly, we lost the 2016 Governor’s race and our conservative advantage in the state Supreme Court. The political costs for these failures will be felt for many years to come. Our leadership failed to ensure our precincts were properly organized, grow our NCGOP base, and energize voters to elect our conservative candidates. Our adversary party is already at work undermining the legislature and engaging the courts to stall conservative initiatives as they prepare to counter-attack in the 2018 mid-term elections.
The vast majority of North Carolinians are conservative. They will affiliate with the Republican Party if we are true to our founding principles and make them feel welcome in the Grand Old Party. To accomplish growth in our numbers, we need reform of our Plan of Organization, a system of organizing and training down to the precinct level, and a conservative message that resonates across the state.
I have a plan to close the nearly 600,000 gap in registered voters the democrats have over Republicans in our state within the next 2-4 years. This plan will sustain our advantage in the NCGA, regain the Governor’s seat in 2020, and restore a conservative Supreme Court by 2022. I pledge to stay focused on building our party base. I need your help to:
- Elect me and a senior leadership team possessing the intellect, integrity, energy and perseverance to dominate our opponents.
- Reform our Plan of Organization, creating a governance structure that encourages local activism and that escalates the needs of precinct and county organizations for action at district and state levels.
- Encourage grass roots participation in conventions by substantially reducing the cost of participation.
- Better educate and inform voters about the principles and values of the NCGOP- clearly differentiating us from the democrat party.
- Strengthen our liaison and partnership with the General Assembly.
- Maintain strong cash flows and a financial posture that sustains the party’s activities year-round.
With your active support we will make North Carolina the seat of conservatism in the Southeast. Please contact me with your ideas or suggestions. Together, we will prevail.